The Fridge
The Fridge is an app that keeps track of the perishable foods and their expiration dates in your real fridge. You can add and delete items at your whim.
As of right now, this app only holds these values and allows you to delete them. In the future, we plan on implementing a notification system that reminds the user some amount of times that their food is going bad in however many days. With this functionality, there will be no need to worry about your food going moldy! We will remind you about it before it gets the chance to.
This system was built using react-native for the front end, Node.js for the backend, and ProstgreSQL for the database. My main focus in this project was working on the user interface and making the pages functional and interactive. This was my first time ever making a UI and I enjoyed it immensely! It was difficult trying to learn how use react-native over the course of 24 hours, having had no prior knowledge, but I am very proud of what my teammates and I were able to accomplish during this hackathon.
There is more in store for The Fridge, so keep an eye out!

Figure 1: Default Home Page

Figure 2: Fridge Page

Figure 3: Delete Page

Figure 4: Add Page
Icon Designs

Title Designs